@Halal May/June 2024 | Page 26

06 Sustainable Tourism

06 Sustainable Tourism

May-June . 2024

Embracing eco-friendly tourism in Malaysia

Balancing environmental , community , and cultural preservation through sustainable tourism

AS the demand for Muslimfriendly experiences surges , destinations like Malaysia are embracing the opportunity to align themselves with the values and preferences of this growing market segment . At the same time , there is a growing interest in and preference for sustainable tourism within the broader tourist market , including Muslim travellers .

This scenario – the growing demand for Muslim-friendly tourism and sustainable tourism – comes as an interesting opportunity for tourism players as both tourism segments intersect on fundamental principles that serve to reinforce Environmental , Social , and Governance ( ESG ) elements within the industry .
By understanding and recognising of how these two tourism segments overlap , these players can find new ways to grow and stand out in the market .
Sustainable Tourism & Environmental Protection Society ( Eco-STEPS Malaysia ) President Kingston Khoo points out that Malaysia ’ s tourism industry has been slow in embracing sustainability compared to other sectors . But Eco-STEPS Malaysia is on a mission to change that narrative .
Their goal is simple yet profound : to raise awareness and act to make tourism in Malaysia more sustainable .
Khoo emphasised the multifaceted nature of sustainability , extending beyond environmental conservation .
“ Equally crucial as environmental conservation , sustainability also encompasses the local community development and preservation of cultural heritage .
“ So , at Eco-STEPS Malaysia , we actively promote activities and awareness campaigns that support local community development and preservation of cultural heritage . We also offer training programmes based on international standards for sustainable tourism .”
Eco-STEPS Malaysia , said Khoo , aims to educate tourists and tourism industry players about the importance of protecting the environment , supporting local communities , and preserving cultural heritage . They believe that by championing these causes , Malaysia can create a tourism industry that benefits everyone .
Khoo highlighted that adopting sustainability practices should not be daunting but a journey marked by gradual yet meaningful progress . He offered several practical tips , including :
• Taking Sustainability Seriously in a Fun Way : Instead of seeing it as a chore , consider sustainability an exciting opportunity for innovation and creativity . By infusing sustainability initiatives with elements of fun and interest , employees and guests will be more engaged and eager to participate .
• Start Small , Grow Gradually : Sustain-
A panel discussion jointly organised by Eco-STEPS Malayia and Booking . com Malaysia discussing sustainable tourism .
Sustainable Tourism

83 % 71 % of tra�ellers confirming that sustaina�le tra�el is important to them� Ne� insights sho� a sense of �eariness could �e emerging glo�ally� fueled �y the ongoing challenges that tra�ellers e�perience to make more sustaina�le tra�el choices�

of glo�al tra�ellers say that they �ant to tra�el more sustaina�ly o�er the ne�t �� months of tra�ellers say they �ant to lea�e the places they �isit �etter than �hen they arri�ed
Positive Intentions Behind Sustainable Travel :

75 % 57 %

intend to reduce energy consumption on future trips

54 % 43 % feel guilty �hen they intend to use more sustaina�le modes of transport �hen tra�elling in the future make less sustaina�le tra�el choices�

Of those who want to travel more sustainably :

16 %

32 %

�elie�e tra�elling more
�ill do so �ecause they �elie�e it ’ s the right thing to do sustaina�ly �ill enhance their e�perience

11 %

�ill do so �ecause
�elie�e they �ould ha�e a more authentic e�perience of the local culture

7 %

it �ill make their trip more fun
Source : Booking . com ’ s Sustainable Travel Report 2024
Kingston Khoo .
ability doesn ’ t have to be an all-or-nothing endeavour . Instead , start with small , manageable practices and gradually add more over time . Minor changes can have a significant impact when multiplied across the industry .
• Establishing a Sustainability Team : Gather a group of passionate people to focus on sustainability . Leverage the ideas and skills of employees who are enthusiastic about sustainability to develop creative solutions tailored to your business .
• Learning About International Standards : Learn about global sustainability guidelines and standards . Following these standards helps you measure and improve your sustainability efforts , ensuring alignment with global best practices and enhancing credibility among eco-conscious travellers .
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Khoo offered compelling reasons why embracing sustainable practices is crucial for the future of tourism in Malaysia .
“ Firstly , it ’ s the right thing to do . It ’ s simple ; if we care about our planet and future generations , we must prioritise sustainability .
“ Next is wider market reach . Sustainability is a big deal for many travellers . When we implement eco-friendly practices , we appeal to a wider range of tourists who love culture , nature , and unique experiences . This means more people will visit and enjoy Malaysia ’ s treasures .
“ Destination preservation . By being sustainable , we help keep our destinations intact from environmental damage and worth visiting . After all , without beautiful places to visit , tourism businesses wouldn ’ t have much to offer .
“ Sustainable practices also help address risks . It helps recognise and address all impacts of tourism . To either minimise and / or prevent adverse impacts while maximising encouraging ones to benefit hospitality and tourism destinations effectively .
“ Lastly is cost savings . While it costs more upfront to be sustainable , it saves money in the long term . Things like using less energy and producing less waste help the environment and cut down on costs for businesses .” – RnR