@Halal May/June 2024 | Page 27

May-June . 2024



Practising sustainability in hospitality

Attana Hotels & Resorts ’ ‘ Sayang Earth ’ initiative shows the Group ’ s commitment to upholding the ESG principles
Dato ’ Muhammad Taha Zainal .

AS a leading Malaysian hospitality management company , Attana Hotels & Resorts oversees a portfolio of hotels , resorts , and golf clubs , prioritising sustainability and delivering unique , customised guest experiences . Attana ’ s brands - Perdana , Espira , and Villea- are committed to hospitality excellence and shareholder value- each offering distinct hospitality experiences tailored to diverse guest preferences .

According to Group Operations Senior General Manager of Attana Hotels & Resorts , Dato ’ Muhammad Taha Zainal , Attana ’ s sustainability policy is rooted in the principles
of Environmental , Social , and Governance ( ESG ) practices . The Group aims to minimise the environmental impact of its operations through various initiatives and investments .
“ Core principles include environmental conservation , social responsibility , and ethical governance , aligning with its parent company Permodalan Nasional Berhad ’ s ( PNB ) sustainability framework ,” Taha elaborated .
He believes that upholding sustainability in the hospitality sector is crucial for several reasons , such as reducing hotels ’ environmental footprint , promoting the well-being of local communities , and meeting the growing demand for eco-friendly travel options .
Taha also emphasised that sustainable
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practices ensure the long-term viability of the tourism industry , protect natural resources and enhance the overall guest experience by providing conscientious and responsible hospitality services .
“ Attana balances top-notch service with environmental and community ethics by integrating sustainable practices into our daily operations without compromising guest experience . This includes using locally sourced materials , promoting eco-friendly activities , and engaging in communityfocused initiatives . The Group ’ s dedication to high service standards ensures guests enjoy luxurious stays while supporting environmental and social causes .”
Attana ' s CSR Mangrove Tree Planting programme with UMW . Attana ' s participation in Malaysia Sales Mission to China .
ATTANA ’ S sustaina�ility policy is e�emplified through its comprehensive social responsibility programme� ��ayang Earth ’ � �hich em�odies its dedication to en�ironmental ste�ardship and community �elfare� This programme is grounded in four foundational pillars� �ealthy Lifestyle� �educe� �e-use � �ecycle ���s�� �a�e The �lanet� and �ommunity De�elopment�
The �ealthy Lifestyle pillar promotes �alanced diets and physical e�ercise among guests and staff� The �educe� �e-use � �ecycle ���s� pillar focuses on �aste minimisation and resource efficiency� �a�e The �lanet in�ol�es efforts to reduce the car�on footprint� such as energy-efficient designs and conser�ation initiati�es� Lastly� �ommunity De�elopment emphasises philanthropy� support for local �usinesses� and �o� creation to foster sustainable community growth .
• TREE PLANTING PROGRAMME �n ���������� the �roup planted ����� ne� trees� including nati�e species� at �illea �ort Dickson to enhance the local landscape and support �alaysia ’ s �reening �rogramme� �t also organised coastal clean-up and mangro�e planting e�ents to preser�e and restore �ital coastal ecosystems� highlighting its commitment to environmental ste�ardship�
• ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMME �ttana in�ests in energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce its car�on footprint� This includes installing LED lighting� energy-efficient ���� systems� and implementing energy management systems to monitor and optimise energy usage� The �roup also colla�orates on a rooftop solar pro�ect �ith �alakoff �orporation �erhad and �ypark �esources �erhad and esta�lishes E� charging stations �ith �entari �etronas�
• WATER CONSERVATION INITIATIVE The �roup implements �ater-sa�ing measures such as lo�-�o� fi�tures� rain�ater har�esting systems� and guest education campaigns to promote water conservation .
• WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING �ttana conducts recycling programmes for �arious materials� reduces single-use plastics �y using refilla�le dispensers for room amenities� and replaces plastic containers in ��� �ith �iodegrada�le alternati�es� �dditionally� it has replaced plastic �ater �ottles in guest rooms �ith refilla�le glass �ottles� further reducing plastic waste .
• SUSTAINABLE SOURCING �ttana sources products and ser�ices from local suppliers and artisans �hene�er possi�le� supporting local economies and reducing the car�on footprint associated �ith transportation� The �roup also prioritises sustaina�le and ecofriendly materials in its procurement processes� such as using certified sustaina�le �ood and organic textiles .
• COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Attana actively engages with local communities through various initiatives , such as supporting local schools� charities� and cultural e�ents� The �roup also pro�ides employment opportunities and training programmes for local residents� contri�uting to social de�elopment and empowerment .
China Imam Familiarisation Trip to Malaysia at Villea Port Dickson & Perdana KLCC .
ATTANA ’ S involvement in the �uslim-friendly tourism demonstrates its dedication to inclusi�ity and cultural sensiti�ity� �s the Muslim population grows , this initiative not only supports Attana ’ s sustainability strategies but also enhances its ability to cater to the specific needs of �uslim tra�ellers� The �roup �elie�es the �uslim-friendly tourism and hospitality concept aligns �ith �roader sustaina�ility o��ecti�es �y ad�ocating responsible tourism practices and fostering cultural appreciation .
�n �anuary ����� �erdana �L�� and �illea �ort Dickson �ointly hosted the �hinese �mam �amiliarisation Trip - Disco�er �uslim �riendly in Malaysia . This successful
�amiliarisation Trip forms part of the e�tensi�e initiati�es led by the Ministry of Tourism , �rts and �ulture ���T��� and its affiliated agencies - �slamic Tourism �entre ��T�� and Tourism Malaysia .
Attana ’ s commitment to accommodating �uslim tra�ellers is underscored �y its pursuit of the �uslim- �riendly Tourism and �ospitality �ssurance and �ecognition ������ certifications for its hotels� �erdana �L�� and �erdana �ota �haru� from �T�� This ongoing rene�al certification process highlights the �roup ’ s dedication to offering e�ceptional �uslim-friendly facilities and ser�ices� �t aims to create a comforta�le and respectful environment that fulfills the needs of �uslim guests .