@Halal R&R - Rest & Rehlah January/February 2025 | Page 8

08 Travel Agency

08 Travel Agency

January-February . 2025

AlMaziah Mobility Travel & Tours

Building trust through MFAR

Five travel agencies leading the way in catering to the faithbased needs of Muslim travellers

WITH OVER two billion Muslims worldwide , the Muslim travel market is a thriving segment filled with opportunities . Che Maziah Hamid , Director of AlMaziah Mobility Travel & Tours , recognises the vast potential , particularly in the Asia-Pacific region , where 62 per cent of the population identifies as Muslim .

She highlighted that halal food remains the most sought-after requirement among her Muslim clients . Additionally , Almaziah Mobility Travel & Tours recognises the importance of the Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition ( MFAR ), which the agency just recently received .
“ The impact of MFAR recognition is that it builds greater trust among customers in our Muslim-friendly packages . They no longer have to worry about finding a place to pray or whether the food is halal , as we ensure dining at halal-certified restaurants . This recognition makes Muslim customers feel more secure and confident in choosing our packages .”

GIT Tours & Travels

• Tailored itineraries blending festive Chinese New Year experiences with Muslim travellers ’ dietary and cultural needs .
• Festive highlights include iconic street festivals , lantern displays and lion dances in key destinations such as Kuala Lumpur , Penang , and Malacca .

THE Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) has recently recognised five travel agencies for their efforts to enhance their offerings through the Muslim- Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition ( MFAR ). Many believe it will instil confidence among Muslim travellers and provide more significant opportunities to attract this growing market . The surge in Chinese Muslim travellers to Malaysia in 2024 has motivated these agencies to improve their services , particularly in preparation for the upcoming Chinese New Year ( CNY ) celebrations . Here , five agencies share their insights .

GIT TOURs & Travels provides Muslim-friendly tours catering to the faith-based needs of Muslim travellers . Managing Director Dr Cindy Seow noted that there has been a marked increase in the number of Muslim travellers from China visiting Malaysia , with growing

Scan Me demand from this segment .
“ With China ’ s sizeable Muslim population , we believe these tourists are actively seeking good travel destinations . Therefore , we work closely with Tourism Malaysia to promote not only standard leisure packages but also Muslim-friendly packages in collaboration with the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ).
“ We have just one year left until 2026 to attract more Muslim travellers from China . There is still a lot of planning and events to organise . First and foremost , ITC has laid the groundwork by accrediting travel agents with the
• Halal Dining Options : A wide range of halal-certified food choices , ensuring adherence to Islamic dietary guidelines .
• Muslim-Friendly Destinations : Locations offering rich cultural experiences , Islamic heritage sites , and facilities catering to Muslim practices , such as prayer rooms and gender-segregated spaces .
• MFAR-Certified Services : Accredited accommodations and travel agents meeting Muslimfriendly and culturally sensitive standards , providing assurance and trust for Muslim travellers .
Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition ( MFAR ).”