THE tourism industry in 2024 has experienced significant growth , marked by a rise in tourist arrivals . This upward trend has been particularly noticeable among travellers from China and India following the implementation of visa relaxation policies . The eased entry requirements have encouraged more visitors from these key markets , boosting inbound tourism and contributing to the sector ’ s overall recovery and expansion .
“ For the Indian market , Malaysia has actually surpassed one million Indian tourist arrivals in 2024 . This achievement is largely attributed to the relaxation of the visa policy , specifically the visa-free entry granted to Indian nationals , as well as the increased airline connectivity to Malaysia ,” said Nuwal Fadhilah Ku Azmi , Director of International Promotion ( Asia & Africa ), Tourism Malaysia .
“ We had more than 240 direct flights from India , covering 16 cities across the country . This includes major first-tier cities as well as second-tier cities such as Amritsar , Bangalore , and Bhubaneswar . The enhanced connectivity has been a key factor in attracting more Indian tourists to Malaysia .”
Nuwal stated that outside of ASEAN ,
Nuwal Fadhilah Ku Azmi
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China remained Malaysia ’ s top market with 3.2 million tourist arrivals , followed by India with 1.1 million visitors . She highlighted that these figures had exceeded pre-pandemic levels , which was an encouraging sign as the country geared up for Visit Malaysia 2026 ( VM2026 ).
“ For Tourism Malaysia , we are actively planning various promotional activities , not only in China and India but also in other key markets such as Vietnam , which has significant potential . We are also seeing increasing arrivals from Chinese Taipei .
“ There are many new and emerging markets contributing to Malaysia ’ s tourism growth . In terms of expenditure , these visitors are also spending more and staying longer in Malaysia .
“ For VM2026 , our motto is Surreal Experiences . With this motto , we want travellers , once they come to Malaysia , to enjoy and experience for themselves the surreal experiences the country has to offer .”
When asked about the potential for
Muslim tourist arrivals from key markets such as West Asia , China , and India , Nuwal stated that there was significant potential , particularly from China . She mentioned that Tourism Malaysia worked closely with the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) to attract more Chinese Muslim visitors . Highlighting China ’ s substantial Muslim population , she pointed out key regions such as Lanzhou , Xi ’ an , and Urumqi as primary focus areas for their efforts to encourage more Muslim travellers to visit Malaysia .
“ We also have direct flights connecting Malaysia to China , including routes from these Muslim-majority regions . Several Chinese carriers , such as China Southern , China Eastern , and Xiamen Airlines , operate these routes , further enhancing accessibility .
“ Beyond regular tourists , we are also targeting Muslim representatives from China , as they can play a role in encouraging their communities to visit Malaysia . This is particularly relevant during Ramadan , where visitors can experience how Malaysia celebrates the holy month and Hari Raya .” – RnR