March-April . 2025
08 Travel Agency
Nurturing tourism growth
A strategic collaboration between BUMITRA Malaysia and ITC aims to empower operators and attract 20,000 Muslim tourists to Malaysia
THE global Muslim travel market is expanding rapidly , with millions of Muslim travellers seeking destinations that cater to their faith-based needs . Halal food , prayer facilities , and Muslim-friendly accommodations are now key factors influencing travel decisions .
As countries worldwide compete to attract this growing segment , Malaysia continues to strengthen its position as a top Muslim-friendly destination through strategic partnerships and industry-driven initiatives .
In a significant step towards this goal , BUMITRA Malaysia has joined forces with the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) to enhance Malaysia ’ s appeal to Muslim travellers , particularly from China .
This collaboration formalised through a Memorandum of Agreement ( MOA ) on 9 January 2025 , aims to bring in high-profile influencers and community leaders to promote Malaysia as a preferred destination for Muslim tourists .
The concept was initially pioneered by ITC with the Malaysia Inbound Chinese Association ( MICA ) in 2024 and achieved impressive key performance indicators ( KPIs ).
“ Under this agreement , ITC has allocated a substantial grant to support the initiative . The programme aims to bring in 80 China Muslim representatives or key influencers from China to Malaysia ,” said BUMITRA Malaysia President Dr Wan Muhamad Adam .
“ As part of the agreement , each representative is required to bring at least 250 Muslim tourists to Malaysia . In total , BUMITRA Malaysia is expected to facilitate the arrival of 20,000 Muslim tourists over the three-year period . This initiative presents a significant opportunity for BUMITRA , made possible through ITC ’ s support .”
Wan said that beyond the set KPI , the focus of the collaboration was also on educating BUMITRA members to develop tourism packages that cater specifically to Muslim travellers .
He highlighted that it was essential to work with hotels that hold the Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality Assurance and Recognition ( MFAR ) certification issued by ITC . Indirectly , this initiative encourages more hotels
MOA signing between BUMITRA Malaysia and ITC .
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Dr Wan Muhamad Adam .
THE COLLABORATION between BUMITRA Malaysia and the Islamic Tourism Centre ( ITC ) highlights key opportunities for tourism operators in Malaysia :
• Empowering Tourism Operators – The initiative ensures that BUMITRA members are actively involved in the development and delivery of Muslimfriendly inbound tourism services . By providing direct engagement opportunities , the programme aims to
to obtain MFAR certification , leading to continuous improvements in the sector .
“ There is an effort to encourage tourists to dine at restaurants with halal certification . While many eateries are already halal , not all have obtained official certification .
“ The aim is not to impose requirements but to create awareness that this will lead to increased innovation , proactivity , and improved product offerings .”
He shared that BUMITRA members are categorised into four segments : inbound , outbound , ticketing , and Umrah & Hajj . The plan is to involve all segments with inbound services , such as providing bus transportation .
“ We are creating opportunities for our members across various sectors . For example , those in transportation , such as bus and van operators , are encouraged to collaborate with travel agencies appointed as panel partners , ensuring that the ecosystem remains within our network .
“ We engage ticketing providers to
strengthen the role of Bumiputera travel agencies in this growing market .
• Enhancing Product Development – A key focus of the collaboration is fostering innovation in tourism offerings . BUMITRA members are encouraged to create unique and appealing products that cater specifically to modern Muslim travellers , ensuring a high-quality and memorable travel experience . offer more affordable ticket options within our network . We also encourage participation from those offering tourism-related products , including food , homestays , and cultural experiences .
“ That is why , under this project , we take a holistic approach that encompasses both urban and rural tourism . This includes visits to Melaka ’ s historical sites , Cameron Highlands , and even Perlis . Ultimately , our goal is to strengthen the entire tourism ecosystem and drive sustainable economic growth .”
Wan highlighted Malaysia ’ s key strengths in Muslim-friendly tourism , including its well-established infrastructure , such as designated prayer spaces , the abundance of halal food , and JAKIM ’ s globally recognised halal certification .
However , he also pointed out areas that require further improvement , particularly in expanding the scope of Muslim-friendly recognition beyond food to include other establishments , such as spas , similar to what ITC has done with MFAR .
Additionally , he emphasised the need to enhance industry training . While ITC has made significant efforts to provide training related to halal and Muslim-friendly tourism , further expansion is necessary to raise awareness and improve service quality across the sector .
“ Another key area for improvement is digital promotion . Malaysia lags behind some countries in leveraging digital marketing for Muslim-friendly tourism .
“ Therefore , greater efforts must be made to strengthen digital promotion strategies , ensuring wider visibility of Malaysia ’ s halal ecosystem and its position as a leading destination for Muslim-friendly travel .”
Wan highlighted that tourism has evolved significantly ; for example , in Umrah and Hajj , many travellers now opt for a DIY approach . Therefore , participation in Muslim-friendly tourism will encourage travel agencies , particularly BUMITRA members , to diversify their offerings , creating opportunities for more sustainable growth . – RnR
• Strengthening Competitiveness – By equipping BUMITRA members with the necessary resources and opportunities , the initiative aims to increase their ability to attract international Muslim tourists . While the programme initially targets the Chinese Muslim market , it also serves as a foundation for broader engagement in global Muslim-friendly tourism .