JAN/FEB, 2020 | The HEALTH
your nerves
Malaysian are missing out on the physiotheraphy visit
ITh the emergence of high
mental health cases and
awareness in Malaysia,
we are no longer afraid to
visit the psychiatrist to
keep our minds healthy.
however, lest we forget that a healthy mind
can only come from a healthy body.
according to recent studies, we often
neglect the need to see our physiotherapist
to help maintain our physical health.
If we talk about the physiotherapy, our
minds often relates it to a process of healing
from injuries. Not many people knows about
the benefi ts of a routine physiotherapy visit.
an appointment can greatly improve your
life in more than one way. “regular visits
to your physiotherapy can help retain your
neurological health, relieve accumulated pain,
an onset management and greatly improved
mobility,” says Nidzam Yatimi ramli, the COO
of PhysioMobile Malaysia.
he, alongside his co-founder started PhysioMo-
bile Malaysia as a way to create awareness towards
the importance of visiting a physiotherapy.
Th e initial initiative was created to help
patients with limited movement. Th ey fi rst
opened the fi rst Centre in shah alam.
“We have opened our centres to assist
patients in staying mobile. Th is gives the
patients a motivation to leave the house
during their treatment. We opened four
centres of PhisioMobile Malaysia in 2019.”
When the demands of the world changed
and transactions can be done at our fi ngertips,
the nature of our jobs changed as well. Most
of us stays sedentary for at least eight hours
a day while waiting for the clock to strike
fi ve – which then we will often be too tired or
busy to exercise.
“We mainly help check your personal fi t-
ness. aspects such as your BMIs, history of
pain and physical conditions will be studied
to better improve your body health. some-
times patients of scoliosis are unware of
their condition unless given a very particular
assessment. an asymptomatic disease that
will only worsen over time,” he explains.
as the saying has been repeated over and
over again, prevention is better than cure.
having a record of your physical health can
save your life as you grow older.
“Th rough series of assessments and stud-
suggest that an
offi ce worker
take a quick
stretching break
every hour.
Regular visits to
your physiotherapy
can help retain your
neurological health,
relieve accumulated pain,
an onset management
and greatly improved
mobility.” – Nidzam
ies, we are able to fi nd harmful habits to your
body and help tailor a set of exercise to get you
to break said habit.”
according to Nidzam, getting a physi-
ologist’s check-up will be a personalised
“everyone was made differently. They
will face diff erent problems that will require
diff erent solutions. We will also take note of
Easy exercise
for offi ce workers
TIRED of staring at your computer? feeling uncomfortable in
your seat? take a break and try these easy stretching exercise
for an instant relief.
Neck stretching – The side nod
Bend your left hand to the back, your right hand reaches over
your head to the left side. then pull your head down with your
hand for 15 seconds. You will feel the stretch on the right side of
the neck. repeat the same step with the opposite hand.
Shoulder stretch – The one arm hug
sit up straight, then take your left arm across your body and
place it on top of the opposite shoulder. use the other arm to
push the left arm further. hold for 15 seconds and repeat 2-3
times for each arm.
Nidzam implores the
general public to visit
nearby physiotherapist
to greatly improve
their physical health
what our patients’ jobs to identify the risk
factors at work. From there we will be able to
suggest diff erent workout at home to increase
muscle endurance and diminish musculoskel-
etal risks. We will also suggest light workout
that can be done at the offi ce, depending on
the nature of your job.”
Nidzam advices the readers to stretch
more. “a simple stretching routine is some-
thing that everyone should know. It should
be done in intervals during the working hour.
It does not take long – around 3 to 4 minutes.
Prolonged static posture will increase the risk
of developing backaches and other problems.”
— Th e Health