The Health November 2022 | Page 28


The Healthplus | NOVEMBER , 2022
Encik Ahmad Fadhullah Fuzai President Association of Malaysian Optometrists ( AMO )
FIRST and foremost , I would like to welcome all delegates to the 3rd Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ) 2022 .
We dealt with global health issues such as Covid-19 and several other severe diseases . We are glad that this year we managed to gather all fellow optometrists from around the globe to sit side by side to exchange ideas and opinions in the optometry industry .
AOC is a platform for industry partners , vision care practitioners , clinicians , researchers , academia , etc ., to showcase their services and works and to support each other in upgrading optometric or vision care service in this region . AOC aims to promote the optometric profession in Asia .
The profession of optometry is a health care privilege to serve the eye care needs of the public and is entrusted by society to do so professionally and ethically .
The placement of the patient ’ s interests above self-interest is referred to as fiduciary duty and is the primary ethical responsibility of all healthcare professionals .
Specifically , optometrists must look after the best interests of their patients concerning the patient ’ s eye , vision , and general health , which includes refraction and dispensing , detection / diagnosis and management of diseases in the eye , and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system .
Additionally , an ethical optometrist strives to protect and enhance the health and welfare of the public .
Optometrists are primary eye care professionals who can recognise eye problems and plan a proper course of therapy related to the eye or carry out appropriate referrals .
Certified private optometrists in Malaysia should be recognised as Community Primary Eye Care , which would be the community ’ s frontliners for eye care .
Last but not least , with the momentum of the world coming out from the pandemic into the endemic phase , we hope all optometrists worldwide can unite and work together towards the greater good of the optometry industry .
Mr Kim Jong Seok President Korean Optometric Association
CONGRATULA- TIONS on holding the 3rd Asia Optometric Congress in Kuala Lumpur ,
Malaysia .
I hope it will be a helpful time of discussions and exchange of information relating to advanced optometric systems .
With this cooperation , we wish this AOC 2022 every success for the mutual development of KOA and AMO .
Dr Nakpil President Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists , Inc
ON BEHALF of the Integrated Philippine Association of Optometrists , Inc , I would like to express my grandest congratulations to the Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ) for the 3rd Asia Optometric Congress in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia .
This event is a much-awaited gathering for all optometrists in Asia who want to experience an in-person conference after mainly staying indoors during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic .
It is an opportune time to learn from the distinguished lecturers and presenters , rekindle each other ’ s passion and commitment , and improve and enhance our knowledge and clinical skills to serve our patients better .
May this 3rd AOC inspire optometrists to collaborate and share ideas and expertise for the advancement of the profession as we face the challenges ahead of us . Together , let us do our part in addressing avoidable blindness in our region . Thank you very much and I wish everyone a great learning experience !
Prof Aditya Goyal President ASCO , India .
INDIAN optometry has been accorded “ health care profession ” status by India ’ s government , and the council formation is in process . Prof Aditya Goyal and Dr Venkataramana represent optometry at the national interim Allied and Healthcare Council of India .
The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry ( ASCO ), India , has made several significant contributions to Indian optometry . ASCO , India , provided the standard minimum optometry curriculum , which was accepted by the ministry of health and family welfare , Government of India .
All the universities across India will be required to follow this curriculum designed by ASCO , India .
IELOCS ( India ’ s entry-level optometry competency standards ) is another flagship document by ASCO , India and is its contribution to Indian optometry . This document was revised very recently and is in the public domain .
The nomenclature and duration of optometry programmes have been standardised . These were published on the gazette notification of the University Grants Commission . ASCO , India and another sister organization OCI , made it possible through their advocacy with the Government of India .
ASCO , India , will be represented by its President , Prof Aditya Goyal , at the Asia Optometric Congress in November 2022 . There are several scientific presentations from India , and a team of optometrists from India will make research presentations .
Mr Du Tong He President China Optometric and Optical Association
THE China Optometric and Optical Association ( COOA ) was established in 1985 . It was jointly initiated and established by the former Ministry of Light Industry , the former Ministry of Commerce , the Ministry of Health , the Ministry of Machinery Industry , the Ministry of Ordnance Industry , and the Ministry of Agriculture .
It is a non-profit social organisation , as well as the only national organisation in optometry industry , voluntarily formed by production , optometry , operation , service , and other enterprises , teaching and technical institutions , and local related social groups in the national optometry industry .
COOA currently has more than 1,000 member units , including seven professional committees which are spectacle frames and glasses , spectacle lenses and blanks , contact lenses , equipment , optometry , quality standards , science education , and two branches in optometrists and designers .
COOA hosts China Glasses Science- Technology Magazine , which is the director of the National Optometry and Optician Professional Education and Teaching Steering Committee , and organises the drafting of the two national occupational standards and matching training courses for Optometrists and Opticians .
Mr Nova Joko Pamungkas President Indonesia Optometrist Association
I AM pleased to join the 3rd Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ) 2022 . After the two-year pandemic , it is now a good opportunity to meet fellow optometrists throughout the Asia Pacific and exchange ideas and knowledge .
I also take this opportunity to follow the development of optometry in the Asia Pacific region .
I hope for support from AOC in upgrading the optometry profession , upskilling members to a professional level , and of course initiating joint research among AOC members .
And we can upgrade the optometry profession through accredited international programmes .
Dr Narong Leedasawat President Optometry Association of Thailand ( OAT )
GREETINGS TO all members of the Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ).
Optometry Association of Thailand ( OAT ) realised during its early years that moving forward in the profession would require help from all licensed optometrists , optometry profession associations , education institutes and industry friends from the region .
I was delighted to hear about the collaboration among the different entities in Southeast Asia on an international stage in the optometry profession .
I was even more ecstatic to hear about the organisation ’ s expansion into the AOC , which envisions excellent cooperation between the optometry professional organisations from all over Asia .
This is the time for Asian countries to help each other move forward . I am confident that the ideal of AOC will bring prosperity and great leaps forward for the optometric profession in Asia .
With much confidence in leadership and ideology , Thailand decided to join as a founding member of AOC even in its early years as the ASEAN Optometric Conference .
Today , I would like to extend a warm welcome and greetings to all participants , many old friends , and many more new ones in this great event . I am sure that everybody will benefit from the programmes and workshops .
I also thank the event committee for putting together such wonderful programmes . Let ’ s begin a new era of Asian optometry together .
Ms Tran Minh Anh President Optometry Vietnam
BEING A part of the Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ) is an honour for Optometry Vietnam as it allows for an exchang of knowledge and ideas with other Asian nations ’ optometry industries .
AOC is a significant force behind the growth of the sector in optometry development in Vietnam and the Asian region in general .
We hope this collaboration will provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange , student exchanges , improved research participation , establishing programmes and cross-border training cooperation between nations .
Optometry Vietnam , with the help of AOC , aims to lessen the threat of vision impairment and avoidable blindness and thus showcase the affirmation of optometry ’ s role in the provision of eye health care .