The Health November 2022 | Page 29

NOVEMBER , 2022 | The Healthplus


Mr Ken Tong President Singapore Optometric Association
WE ARE delighted to be able to attend the Asia Optometric Congress this year in Kuala Lumpur !
It is one of the biggest conferences in the region where we can meet many renowned speakers , esteemed colleagues and friends faceto-face now post-covid , and in this new norm !
It has been long awaiting as we catch up with old friends , see familiar faces again and meet with suppliers and industry partners . I am personally looking forward to this .
I want to take this opportunity to thank the organising committee and wish them success in this phenomenal event ! All the best , and let ’ s fly the Optometry flag high !
Prof Yee Yee Aung President Myanmar Ophthalmological Society
WE HOPE to get some support from the Asia Optometric Congress ( AOC ) because many of our candidates are only trained to be refractionists with two years of training . Therefore , we would require up-to-date optometric training courses for them .
We would also like to provide some short courses for our candidates in Myanmar , especially on orthotics & vision therapy techniques , contact lenses , myopia management , and refractive & primary eye care services .
We would like the AOC to provide scholarship programmes for our candidates as this would provide them with international optometric experience .
Mr Chea Seila President Optometrist Society of Cambodia
THE optometrist Society of Cambodia ( OSC ) initially was founded by a group of Cambodian optometrist technician and refractionists in 2007 and is a non-profit organisation and a coordination body for the optometrist and refractionist profession in the country .
Its mission is to coordinate and facilitate the equal participation of people with uncorrected refractive errors or visual impairment in Cambodia .
Its vision is to equip professional staff with the latest knowledge and skills in the provision of refraction services , and to encourage creativity , innovativeness and interdisciplinary cooperation .
Prof Dr Vithoune Visonnavong President The Laos Ophthalmology Society
ESTABLISHED in 1990 , the National Ophthalmology Centre ( NOC ) is a renowned leading institution in Laos . We intend to move forward from the tertiary level of eye care to become an excellent center of eye care in the future .
We place emphasis on public relations and promote health initiatives among citizens , as well as providing training for residents and ophthalmic nurses and teaching medical students from the University of Medical Sciences .
The Laos Ophthalmology Society ( POS ) was established in 2006 . LOS is a member of the Asian Ophthalmology Society ( AOS ) and is also a member of the International Council of Ophthalmology ( ICO ).


Passionate and global leader

FOR OVER 80 YEARS , HOYA Vision Care has been a passionate and global leader in optical technology innovation . As a manufacturer of high-quality , highperforming eyeglass lenses , HOYA continues to drive optical technology innovation to find the best vision care solutions for Eye Care Professionals .

Keeping our motto , “ HOYA For The Visionaries ”, in mind , we offer a wide range of ophthalmic products to cater to different age groups ’ needs .
Myopia management should be practised in all optical practices as standard lenses have proven ineffective in slowing down myopia progression .
The myopia epidemic will continue as standard lenses continue to be prescribed to children .
MiYOSMART is our award-winning myopia control spectacle lens with Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments ( D . I . M . S .). MiYOSMART provides children with sharp vision and is clinically proven to slow , and in some cases halt , myopia progression in children by utilising myopic defocus .
Recently , the first long-term effects of MiYOSMART on myopia progression was shared in international conferences . The findings from six years of data on
MiYOSMART lenses slow down myopia progression , so that they can go full steam ahead .
MiYOSMART spectacle lens proved myopia control effect is sustained over time .
Furthermore , research shows that patients who stop wearing MiYOSMART

60 % reduction in myopia progression 1

6 years
of sustained myopia control effect 2
Effective in managing myopia as reported by the International Myopia Institute 3
Disclaimer : MiYOSMART lenses may not be able to address individuals ’ conditions due to natural deficiencies , illnesses , pre-existing medical conditions and / or advanced age of consumers . The information contained herein is general information and is not intended to constitute medical advice . Please consult your eye care professional for more information prior to the use of MiYOSMART lenses . References
1 Lam CSY , Tang WC , Tse DY , Lee RPK , Chun RKM , Hasegawa K , Qi H , Hatanaka T , To CH . Defocus Incorporated Multiple Segments ( DIMS ) spectacle lenses slow myopia progression : a 2-year randomized clinical trial . British
Journal of Ophthalmology . Published Online First : 29 May 2019 . The 2-year randomized clinical trial involved 160 children aged 8 to 13 .
2 Lam CS , et al . Myopia control in children wearing DIMS spectacle lens : 6 years results . Children wearing MiYOSMART spectacle lenses over a 6-year period had a yearly myopia progression of 0.1D and 0.1mm axial
elongation on average . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci . 2022 ; 63 : ARVO E-Abstract 4247 .
3 HOYA Vision Care and International Myopia Institute Launch Partnership . HOYA Vision , March 17 , 2022 .
https :// www . hoyavision . com / about-hoya / hoya-vsion-care-news / news / hoya-vision-care-and-international-myopia-institute-launch-partnership /.
spectacle lenses show no rebound effects compared to the initial myopia progression during the initial two-year randomised control trial .
MiYOSMART is reported as an effective myopia management option by the International Myopia Institute . Since 2018 , more than one million patients globally have benefitted from wearing MiYOSMART spectacle lenses . – AOC